Sunday, April 12, 2020

More Coming Soon!

In case you didn't notice, I took some time off. The past year has been spent finishing the coursework for my PhD, taking my comprehensive exam, and becoming ABD. I am currently working on my dissertation proposal, after which I was going to resume blogs about new restaurants. Unfortunately, we are now in quarantine due to coronavirus (COVID-19). For this reason, I also have to change the methodology of my dissertation, which required the purchase of more books because I am unable to access my office on campus. Even further unfortunate is that Amazon does not consider the books to be essential, so, though they are Prime, they are taking longer to get to me. Some friends who work in local restaurants are telling me they may play it safe and stay closed for a couple months once the quarantine is lifted. I will resume blogging about new restaurants at some point this year. Until then, enjoy your dinners at home. More coming soon!