Sunday, September 20, 2015

Marley's - St. Louis, MO

Date of dining experience: June 26, 2015

Place: Marley's Bar & Grill

Location: 500 S. Florissant Rd. in Ferguson, MO

This is my first truly negative post...

After my two weeks at a workshop in St. Louis this summer, I went to Marley's with a few friends. The only reason we went to Marley's is because Ferguson Brewing Company had burned down just a week before. Upon entering, everything smelled terrible and appeared dirty. Some of the tables were even a little sticky.

A few in our group ordered food and when it arrived I was glad I did not order anything. All of the food on the menu was heavy bar food and most of it was fried. When the orders arrived, the food appeared to be drenched with oil and grease. I don't know how they ate that junk, but I know it would have made me sick to my stomach.

My friend Leo seemed to be feeling the same way as I was, so we each had one beer while enjoying some friendly conversation and then went off to find some real food.

Beer: Big Wave Golden Ale by Kona Brewing Company (ABV: 4.4% --- IBU: 5)
Despite being served by our waitress, who appeared as if she was either high or drunk and hadn't taken a shower in a few days, this beer tasted great. This golden ale was just the right mix of hop and Belgian goodness to make a bad situation slightly tolerable, briefly.

I do not recommend this place, even if Ferguson Brewing Co. is still closed down. I think I remember seeing a sign for a wine bar near there. That would definitely be a better place to go.

If you do end up going to Marley's... Enjoy?

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