Sunday, June 4, 2017

Troegs - Hershey, PA

Date of dining experience: June 1, 2017

Place: Troegs Brewing Company

Location: 200 East Hershey Park Drive in Hershey, PA

Meal: Grilled Mac & Cheese ($15) - Served with pulled pork, collard greens, and hot sauce. This was very good. The mac & cheese part was a little surprising as it was served as a type of patty under the pulled pork. The hot sauce is mostly mixed in with the collard greens, so I ordered it without that part so that I didn't have heartburn the rest of the day.

Beer Samples (Pick Three for $6):

  1. Scratch #276 Farmhouse Rye Ale (7.0% ABV and 8 IBUs) - This was a very nice, light ale. It reminded of a cross between a Saison and a Hefeweizen. 
  2. Scratch #282 Brotherly Suds Ale (5.9% ABV and 34 IBUs) - This was an extremely tasty Dunkelweizen created as a collaboration with six breweries in addition to Troegs: Flying Fish, Victory, Yards, Stoudts, Iron Hill, and Sly Fox.
  3. Scratch #283 Boysenberry Gose (5.4% ABV and 9 IBUs) - This was pretty tasty, but really made me pucker up! I think this may actually be the most sour beer I've ever had, but definitely worth a try!
  4. Troegenator Double Bock (8.2% ABV and 25 IBUs) - This was a great, light Double Bock. Only slightly thick, notes of caramel and chocolate are present both in aroma and taste.
  5. HopBack Amber Ale (6.0% ABV and 55 IBUs) - This beer was slightly misleading with a name like Amber Ale, so be sure to check out that it has 55 IBUs! This was much more hoppy than I was expecting, but still delicious! You know me, I don't discriminate. I drink all beer equally! :-)
  6. Cultivator Helles Bock (6.9% ABV and 25 IBUs) - This was a light, crisp Helles Bock that was extremely drinkable with obvious floral notes. 
  7. Rugged Trail (5.0% ABV and 38 IBUs) - This was a very nice spin on a classic Nut Brown Ale. It was slightly lighter and more hoppy than expected, but certainly delicious!
Troegs is a wonderful brewery with fantastic beers! I will definitely be back the next time I find myself in Hershey, PA. Try this place out and let me know what you think. Enjoy!

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