Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Field - State College, PA

Date of dining experience: August 7, 2018

Place: The Field Burger & Tap

Location: 1 Country Club Ln. in State College, PA

Burger: The Lancaster ($15) - Lancaster bacon, smoky cheddar, fried egg, field greens, tomato, horseradish mayo, and a beautifully-cooked red-center burger patty, all perfectly placed on a delicious brioche roll.

Beers: I love it when a restaurant offers a flight of beer samples.
1. Voodoo White Magick of the Sun - A very nice witbier.
2. The Field Amber Ale - A nice, light red ale.
3. North Country Station 33 Firehouse Red - A very nice Irish red ale.
4. Neshaminy Creek Churchville Lager - A pretty good Vienna lager.
Neshaminy Creek has been pretty impressive lately in the beers they produce that I have tried. This was definitely the best of this group, with the Station 33 coming in second.

This restaurant is pretty good, but it is a little overpriced for what it is, probably because it is located in the Country Club. Nevertheless, the burgers are good and there is a decent selection of draft beer. Try this place out for yourself and let me know what you think. Enjoy!

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