Monday, April 11, 2016

Michael's Pizzeria - Bloomfield, MO

Date of dining experience: March 30, 2016

Place: Michael's Pizzeria

Location: 18699 Crowley Ridge Dr. in Bloomfield, MO

Entree: Tortellini with Alla Panna sauce. I must say that I really enjoyed this dish. The Alla Panna sauce at Michael's is better than the one at Morina's, but that's about all this place has over Morina's.

Other: I also ordered a chicken alfredo pizza to take home and eat for lunch the next day. It was very good as well and kept nicely in the refrigerator.

Wine: For this place to truly be successful, they will need to increase their wine list. They need to add more varities of wine, especially Chianti, and keep multiple bottles of each type of wine in stock. You can really taste it when a Cabernet has gone bad or has been open for a week (if it's one of those cheap, big bottles from the dollar store). After all, in any restaurant business like this, alcohol is a huge money-maker. They need to push for people to have wine with their meals, but in order to do that they need to have more options, and better options.

This restaurant used to be a small shack in the middle of town. It is now an actual restaurant where you can sit down and enjoy a meal. Michael's is located in the Bloomfield Country Club and is open to the public. You do not have to be a Country Club member to attend. This is definitely not the worst restaurant in southeast Missouri and over time, as things are tweaked, it will get better and better.

Pet Peeve: I'm not the world's greatest typist and I may have an error or two here and there as I am writing these blogs, but these are not making me any money and I'm not entirely sure if anyone even reads them. That being said, Michael should really hire someone to proofread his menu. I have not read the entire menu, but there are multiple errors in the list of wine offerings alone!

Overall, it's worth a visit. Try this place out for yourself and let me know what you think! Enjoy!

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