Monday, July 6, 2015

Baileys' Chocolate Bar - St. Louis, MO

Date of dining experience: June 5, 2015

Place: Baileys' Chocolate Bar

Location: 1915 Park in St. Louis, MO

Appetizer: Mixed Olives - Kalamata, Spanish, Black. The olives went very well with the cheese board. ($4)

Cheese Board: Served with Fresh House-Made Breads, Fruits, and Nuts. ($15 total)
Cheese 1: Gjetost (goat) from Norway - Taste of Nuts, Caramel, and a Hint of Sweet.
Cheese 2: Brie (cow) from France - The Classic.
Cheese 3: Port Salut (cow) from France - Mild, Very Soft, and Creamy.

You should know by now that I love cheese, especially good cheese (which are usually imported). There is nothing better than a good cheese with some bread, nuts, fruit, and olives. It really is the perfect appetizer OR dessert, even if you don't have alcohol with it!

Coffee Martini: Warm Espresso ($9). This was absolutely delicious, but it is a martini so if you try it be prepared for a strong flavor mix of coffee and alcohol. Their coffee martini description: "Our martinis are made only from the highest quality vodkas, liqueurs, homemade ice creams, and sorbets. We use no fillers and add nothing to water them down. True to tradition, many are strong. If this is not to your taste, please let your server know in advance and we will do our best to adjust."

Coffee (regular): Fair Trade Organic French Roast ($3 - bottomless). This was some of the best French Roast coffee I've ever had. Maybe it was because it was late, or maybe due to the martini before it, but this was delicious. I'm usually more of a medium-body, Columbia-style coffee drinker, but I would order this again if I ever find myself back at Baileys' Chocolate Bar.

This place is great, and not all of their items are chocolate-related (though they do have a fair amount of chocolate-based items). My server was absolutely amazing and extremely personable (which seems to be a rare quality in a server)! The atmosphere is very intimate and dimly-lit, but they do also have patio seating outside. This would be a great place to go on a date or night out, especially if you just went there for appetizers to start the night or drinks to end the night!

I doubt you'll be disappointed in Baileys' Chocolate Bar. Try it out and let me know! Enjoy!

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